
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labrynth

There are so many instances in the film "Pan's Labrynth" wherein Guillermo del Toro creates an immaculate reality that avoids aesthetic styling in favor of creating rich visual metaphor. To quote the director in the equally brilliant audio commentary, "It isn't 'eye candy,' it is eye protein!"

Below are a collection of sketchbook pages drawn by Guillermo del Toro, and it is easy to see that the brilliance of the film is fueled by the director's ability to express himself with image as well as word. I highly recommend this film. It is a nearly flawless example of the power of myth and metaphor, and I have seldom seen a DVD or Blu-ray release that is as educational in its documentaries and commentary.

Special thanks to artist and friend Andrew Fogel for alerting me to the article in "The New Yorker."


  1. Those sketchbook pages make me weep. Thanks for sharing them! Also, I checked out "The Fall" after seeing your last post and loved it.

  2. You're welcome!

    They have the sketchbook pages with audio commentary by Guillermo Del Toro on the official "Pan's Labyrinth" website, Enter the site and click on the photo of Guillermo holding the sketchbook on the right side of the window.

    If you enjoyed "Pan's Labyrinth" I highly suggest watching its companion film "The Devil's Backbone," also by Del Toro.

    I'm so glad that you enjoyed "The Fall."

    Thank you for your comment.

